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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Faallo: Buugga Gorfaynta Silsiladii Deelley

Ummad waliba si ayey u kaydisaa taariikhdeeda iyo sooyaalka nolosheeda. Dadka soomaalida oo ah ummad aan wax akhris-qorriinka  aad ugu horayn, waxa ilaahay hibo u siiyey murti afeed lagu magcaabo suugaan. Suugaantaa ayaa in badan loo adeegsadaa hab xusuus qor ah oo la sigu tebiyo  awaala waranka  iyo faaleynta  dhacdooyinka dunada soo mara islamarkaan lagu odorsaa  mustaqbalka iyo waxa u soo sido si
casharo wax ku ool ah looga kororsado.
Hadaba buug dhowaan soo baxay ayaa waxa uu qoraaga Ibraahin. Y. Axmed oo loo yaqaan ‘Ibraahin Hawd’ waxa uu ku gorfeeyey; maanso suugaaneed loogu magac daray ‘Silsiladdii  Deelley’ taasoo ka curatay geyiga soomaalida dabayaaqadii todobaatanadii socotayna ilaa horaantii sideetankii.  Silsiladan oo lagu tilmaami karo ta ugu hodansan suugaanta soomalida ee casriga ah, waxa ay si qoto dheer inoo dareensiinaysaa waayihii iyo waqtigii la soo maray.

Abwaan Yuusuf-Shaacir Oo Tix Baroor-diiq Ah Ka Tiriyey Geeridii Ku Timi Marxuum Abwaan Macalin-Dhoodaan Oo Dhawaan Geeriyooday

Abwaan Yuusuf Cismaan Cabdille (Yuusuf-Shaacir) oo ka mida Suugaanyahanada sida weyn
looga tix-galiyo gayiga Somalida ayaa tiriyey Gabay cusub oo uu ugu baroor-diiqayo Abwaankii caanka ahaa ee C/laahi Macalin Axmed (Dhoodaan) oo 26/04/2013 ku geeriyooday magaalada Harar ee dalka Itoobiya.

baroor-diiqda ah ayuu Abwaan Yuusuf-Shaacir ku iftiiminayaa kaalintii qiimayha
badnayd ee Marxuum Abwaan Dhoodaan kaga jiray dhaqanka iyo Fanka Somalida Iyo waliba
foogaha la isweydiinayo cidda buuxin doonta ee uu banneeyey Abwaan Dhoodaan
Ilaahay naxariistii Janno haka waraabiyee. Waxaanu Ilaahay uga baryey inuu
Qabriga u nuuro, Jannooyinkiisa sarena uu ku arsaaqo. Waxaanu ku bilaabay

Ergayga Cusub Ee QM U Qaabilsan Somalia Oo Socdaal Ku Yimid Somaliland "Durdur News"

Ergayga cusub ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somalia Mr Nicholas Kay ayaa maanta yimid caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargaysa. 

Ergayga cusub ee Qaramada midoobay waxa madaarka Egal International Airport ku soo dhoweeyey Wasiirka arimaha Dibadda iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee JSL Md Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, iyagoo markii ay madaarka ka soo degeen ay si wada jir ah u booqdeen xabaalo-wadareedyada ku yaalla magaalada Hargaysa, kuwaasoo dhacay xiligii xasuuqii uu dalkan ka gaystay taliskii Siyaad Barre. 

Somaliland: My Work is not Done Yet By: Somaliland Sun

By: Wanda ChestnutEdna Aden maternity and University Hospital in HargeisaEdna Aden maternity and University Hospital in Hargeisa
Somalilandsun - In December 2012, I had the honor of voluntarily traveling to the Edna Adan University Hospital Somaliland for two weeks to learn, understand, educate and care for women who had been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Additionally, my desire was to also use my skills as a nurse in any way that I could.
Prior to my trip to Somaliland, and even after my return to the U.S., my colleagues and friends would ask me why I chose to go there. My answer was that while I was doing research about FGM for my doctorate, I came across the hospital's website.

Somaliland Says No to UNSOM

President Silanyo with the newly aoppointed UNISOM Head
By Goth Mohamed Goth
President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud (Silanyo) today met with UN envoy to Somalia and head of UNSOM Ambassador Nicholas Kays in Hargeisa, Somaliland.
President Silanyo and Ambassador Nicholas Kays had lengthy discussion on issues relating to the workings of the world body (UN) in Somaliland; they also took the opportunity explored ways to enhance future bilateral relation between the UN and Somaliland.
Ambassador Nicholas Kay’s left Somaliland with empty hands this after the Somaliland government bluntly refused UNSOM the permission to open offices in Somaliland,the UN envoy is expect to leave in the very same private plane which had earlier brought him to Hargeisa from Galkayo where a UN charted plane is currently  waiting for him.
Somaliland minister of foreign affair and international relations Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omer also confirmed that the ban on UN planes is still in place expect on those involved Humanitarian work such as bring medicines.
Somaliland has much to learn from past mistakes such as the presence of the UNOPS office in Somaliland which had tried to undermine Somaliland national aspiration at every turn ,this time around it seems Somaliland leaders didn’t fall for the plot.
Here is the official UN Press Release
For Immediate Release

Somaliland: “The Ankara Communique is a Commitment for Continued Dialogue” Amb Shinn

20130506-Amb David H Shinn 2.jpg
06 May, 2013 - Amb David Shinn talks to Somalilandsun on the Ankara communique and 7th May London conference on Somalia. Somalilandsun-The Somaliland-Somalia dialogue should shift to Mogadishu and Hargeisa and be totally in the hands of Somalis.

According to Ambassador David Shinn who gave Somalilandsun an exclusive interview the shift of dialogue venue will not happen until there is sufficient trust on both sides thus the indefinite continuation of the talks outside Somalia and Somaliland.