(Medeshi)- Republic of Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed
Mahamoud Silanyo Met with Members of Congress, State Department Officials and
Others, Speaking Publicly about Somaliland’s Achievements
President of the Republic of Somaliland Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud Silanyo met in
Washington, D.C. last week with U.S. Administration officials, Members of
Congress and others with a key role or interest in the Horn of Africa.
Before departing Washington, President Silanyo said, “I am
grateful for the enduring partnership between the United States and Somaliland,
and for the friendship that has been extended to our people since the
Administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower. In my meetings at the State
Department—and in consultations with other U.S. government officials and
lawmakers—I offered Somaliland’s experience building democratic and
representative government as a model for expanded stability in the Horn of
Africa. The United States’ commitment to the dual track policy and continued
direct engagement with Hargeisa will encourage the deepening of political ties
between Somaliland and Somalia as the new government in Mogadishu builds a
better future for its people.”